Rameez Al Daour
A dedicated professional with a passion for advancing health through expertise in food security, environmental science, food safety, and nutrition. Holds a bachelor's degree in clinical nutrition and dietetics, and a master's in environmental health, specializing in food safety management, with extensive experience in education and research to the table, in addition to being an active member of the Emirates Nutrition Society & the UK Nutrition Society. With over 18 publications in peer-reviewed journals, spearheaded impactful practical and descriptive analysis studies in food microbiology, community nutrition, food waste, sustainability, and environmental health, with a focus on food composition, consumer choices, health behavior, and food labeling, work spans various settings, including awareness educational programs in schools, universities, and social networks. Moreover, actively participates in community-based projects, fostering ongoing educational engagement.
Selected work experience
- Researcher & Educator in the areas of ( Food Sustainability, Food Microbiology, Community Nutrition and Environmental Health) at the Sharjah institute for medical research, University of Sharjah
- Coordinated University projects such as ( Household food waste generation in the UAE & Sustainable food choices in the UAE)
- Delivered workshops in the areas of Community nutrition, Food labeling, Sustainable Food Choices, and Food safety)
- Speaker at the 17th Dubai International Food Safety Conference”. Presenting (Survival of selected pathogens in ready to Eat Avocado Dip: Role of Added Antimicrobials)
- Coordinator and Speaker for the “Food and Nutrition School Awareness Program
- Coordinated the” FITS ( Feeding Infants and Toddlers Study) and KNHS ( Kids Nutrition and Health Study). In collaboration with Nestle Middle East and American University of Beirut.
- Organizing Committee for Middle East Nutrition Leadership Program in Istanbul. Turkey.
- Assisted in delivering ( Nutrition Assessment Intensive Course) at University of Oxford.
- Performed full experiments and paper drafting for Fish Metal Analysis and Guacamole Microbial Analysis.
- Program ambassador and organizing committee member of the “ Middle East Health Care Leadership Program”
- Speaker at Sharjah Broadcasting authority ( Sharjah Radio) presenting sustainable food choices and habits during the holy month.
- Speaker at SEE global sustainability summit, presenting “ Sustainable food choices amongst adults in the UAE”
- Speaker at Ministry of Health presenting our recent publication on nutrition and GDM.
- Speaker at Fujairah Tv presenting 1) household food safety safe practices & 2) Astronauts nutrition/food practices and food safety in space.