
Swedinox International FZC

Hall: Hall 2 Stand: 235
We are leading Food Grade SS tanks , Processing tanks , Milk & Water Road tanker & SS Food grade piping fabrication company Based in UAE. We are the Master Distributor of Alfa laval PHE, Pump pipes & fittings etc…, we have two manufacturing units for the food grade tanks manufacturing


Swedinox International FZC Head office:A4-15, Saif Zone, Sharjah, UAE, Email: info@swedinoxinter.ae Mob : +971 50 6330106 ,Phone : Email: sales1@swedinoxinter.ae Tel : +971 6 557 9009 ,Fax : +971 6 557 2775. Branch Office:plot k-199, Al ghail freezo
United Arab Emirates


Screw Conveyour , Dry Blender , Powder Dispnecer 
Platforms & Cross over as hygienic design
Storage silos
Storage Silos for Water , Oil , Etc
Processing Systems
Processing Systems for Food , Dairy , Juice & Beverage , Cullinary , Personal care & cosmetics , Water Storage , etc
Food grade
TIG welding , Laser Weding , Orbital welding for Food processing plants . Process piping , Utility Piping , Jacketed Piping 
Flow plates
Hygienic design Flow plate with swing bend for Fluid food transfer in the line
Fat Melting station
It is a Vat that makes fats to liquid for use in preparation of wafer, chocolate, caramel. - There are serpentines in which hot water is circulated.
Stainless Steel Food grade Tanks
High Quality Stainless Steel Food grade tanks of vauious types - Single Skin, Insulated , Jacketed ( Limpet / Dimple / Spiral / Open type / Flasy Type )
Batch Pasteaurizer
Batach Pasteaurizer with media as Steam , Hot water , Electrical heating with Different types of mixing agitators as per the Product viscoscity .
Milk storage Silo
Milk tanks are insulated storage tanks for unprocessed raw milk / Pasteaurized Milk. This is generally stored in large vertical tanks (silos) up to approximately 500K 
Milk Road tanker
Milk Road Tanker widely used for transporting large quality of milk from one place to another, this tanker is designed with High quality insulation to save the Temperature drop while transportation.
CIP system
Clean-In-Place (CIP) systems are automated systems used to clean the interior surfaces of food and beverage process pipes, processing vessels, tanks, spiral freezers, mixers, blenders, homogenizers, r …
15 Results


    Alfa Laval
    Alfa Laval’s innovative equipment enables a robust and sustainable production of various food, dairy, and beverage products. Swedinox International FZC is the Master Distributor
    1 Results

      Press Releases

      Rakez ( UAE ) Swedinox Sucess Story
      1 Results


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          Saudi Food