
Sps S.P.A. Italiana Pack Systems

Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 2 Stand: S2-D34
Founded in 1964 by Pietro Fioravanti under the name Italianapack, SPS Italiana pack Systems rejoined the PFM group in October 2003. SPS specialize in fully automatic packaging systems for bakery and confectionary applications, as well as sandwiching systems. Main markets are Europe, USA, the Middle and Far East. SPS build systems to take off products arriving from ovens and cooling tunnels as biscuits, bars, cakes and wafers in order to create different pack configurations by means of automatic systems and finally wrap them in pillow pack. Machinery includes high-speed flow-wrappers for single-count products, biscuits on pile and on edge, multipack, various type of ancillary equipments and complete lines. Continuous research and development, on which SPS spends 3 % of turnover, together with regular training updates for staff, have allowed SPS to achieve the best use of technology employed in industry.




Automatic packaging line for wafers
Automatic wafer packaging line complete with two-ways feeder system with piston unit, double cutting system and fully electronic automatic horizontal packaging machine.
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