Since 1843 Niccolai Trafile always combined the tradition, nourished by the passion for our job, with the constant updating of technical processes, to supply a fast all-round service meeting the productive requirements of PASTA and SNACK Plants from all over the world. Manufacturing Company of equipments such as DIES and INSERTS, AUTOMATIC CUTTING GROUPS predisposed to cut all types of shapes (short goods, angle cut/straight cut macaroni and soup shapes); STAMPING MACHINES SF600, SF1000, SF1300, SF1600 and STAMPING DIES for punched pasta and snack shapes; DIE WASHING MACHINES and ALL ACCESSORIES. Our ultimate goal is not only to provide dies and machines, but also to assist our clients carefully both before and after the sale, maintaining a constant and cooperative relationship, joining the service with the ability to listen to your suggestions that helps to improve our production that to date proves to be of high quality and durability.
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