Dry pasta, fresh pasta, filled pasta, thermally-treated pasta, pre-cooked pasta for ready meals: Italpast today is a precious reference point for the whole pasta world.
In the territory of Parma, the alimentary capital city located in the centre of the Italian Food Valley our company engineers and manufactures machines and plants introducing significant innovations in the production of alimentary pasta of any kinds.
From the “simplest” pasta machine to the more complex production plant accurate layouts issued by Italpast technical dept. on the basis of the customer’s specific requirements highlight the specific know-how of the company in the conception of the most differentiated installations, such as pasteurizers, cooling tunnels and continuous cookers, equipment and systems for the automatic control and supervision of the plants by Plc
Offices and factory: VIA G.B. DELLA CHIESA, 10 - 43036 FIDENZA (PR) ITALYItaly