Illargui is a 50 years experience bakery industry located in the North of Spain producing breadcrumbs from bread manufactured exclusively for this purpose.
8.500 m2 installations in two locations, head office in Urretxu and a modern new factory in Salvatierra, IFS certified, investing in higher production capacity.
Actually we produce 25.000 Tns/year. More than 100 references as per customers needs depending on composition, grain size and color.
Coverage traditional breadcrumbs or charge references, also with spices (paprika, curcuma, parsley…) in multiple formats: 24 Tns tank, 800-1000 kgs big bags, 25 or 10 kgs sacs… For retail in 250, 500 or 750 grs bags.
Also gluten free crumbs available.
Sagastitxipi, 4Spain
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