

Hall: Shk Rashid Hall Stand: R-J23
A long-established player in the South of France, Grap’Sud federates almost 2,000 winemaking structures spread over a dynamic region composed especially of the vineyards of the Languedoc, Roussillon, Provence and Alsace. Our agro-industrial group assists its members and suppliers with the treatment ¬of their co-products but also, in return, by the implementation of solutions for their development. Organised into three centres, Grap’Sud treats those co-products by recovering the compounds, the extracts, and other molecules that are of interest to the markets in agri-food, health, or in agriculture. Recycling and recovery of co-products from winemaking interlocks perfectly into a circular economy. Today at Gulfood manufacturing, we are happy to present you our Natural fruits sugars coming from Date and Grape, Natural red colourings E163, Tartaric acid, Wine concentrates for food applications and our portfolio of phenolic compounds serving the nutraceutical markets. Please visit us # RJ-23!


120, chemin de la Regordane

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Saudi Food