
Fine Organics

Hall: Concourse 2 Stand: CC6-18
Fine Organics is a leading producer of specialty additives for foods, plastics, cosmetics, coatings, and several other specialty applications using oleochemical derivatives. Fine Organics produces a wide range of food additives like emulsifiers for Breads, Biscuits, Cakes, Chocolates, Margarines, Shortenings, Pan Release agents, Anti-crystallizing agent for vegetable oil along with anti-fungal agent for breads & cakes We are the largest manufacturer of Calcium Propionate in India and we would be glad to assist you by catering to your requirements Our competitive, know-how based and integrated approach towards research has consolidated our position globally as a solution provider. We strive to transform our knowledge and experience in oleo chemistry to innovate and formulate newer additives for diverse applications.


Fine House, Anandji Street, Off M.G.Road, Ghatkoapar East


Fine Organics
Please visit our website www.fineorganics.com
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