
Aromatic Flavours and Fragrances S.A.E

Hall: Shk Maktoum Hall Stand: M-H5
We are a family business with a legacy of more than 50 years in the industry. Aromatic Flavours and Fragrances (AFF), in the beginning was originally known as the name of International Aromatics, Established in 1969, has grown to become one of the leading independent flavours and fragrances manufacturers in Egypt. The company began its operation with the cultivation, processing and exporting of aromatic herbs, seeds, botanical plants and spices , Considered as a pioneer and leader in the market, In the mid- eighties, international aromatics built its first factory and expanded its activities into related areas that marry well with its origins such as essential oils, flavours and fragrances. Since that time the company has experienced tremendous growth both in domestic and international markets, including, EU, USA, Latin America and middle-East.


AFF Building, New Manshya, Moharem Bak, Kabary HighWay, Alexandria, Egypt ,Postal code :21565


AFF produces all kinds of flavours in powder, liquid, encapsulated and emulsion forms. in all food industries such as Beverages, Confectionery, Savoury, Dairy, and Bakery. 
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