
Ahmad Imad Bakri - B PLUS

Hall: Za'abeel Hall 2 Stand: Z2-D30
Launching back in 1955, Ahmad Imad Bakri “B Plus” S.A.L unveiled the introduction of its bakery equipment manufacturing business. While boasting decades worth of experience and direct involvement in the industry, the organization has witnessed tremendous growth ever since its establishment – an expansion that focused on establishing and uplifting production protocols into advanced automated systems of bread assembly lines, to become the leading source for several different types of pita and flat bread. “We bake it happen” is not merely a slogan, as it is within our culture, one that is led by an unrivalled work ethic centered around perseverance, diligence, and mutual trust and understanding among all stakeholders involved. Our workforce sincerely believes in our mission, as they shape the building blocks of this company and are the lifeblood of its success, stability and unremitting progression.


Bchamoun - Industrial Zone


European Bread & Pastry equipment- معدات لانتاج الخبز الاوروبي و الحلويات
B Plus also offers several different kinds of European baking equipment so as to produce French bread, pastry, and both western and oriental sweets, through importing equipment from high-level interna …
Pizza & Pies Equipment- معدات لانتاج المعجنات و البيتزا
B Plus seeks to meet the needs of the market by providing traditional handmade bread ovens as well as semi-automatic dough dividers and flatteners so as to produce all kinds of fresh oriental Pies – a …
Lavash Bread automatic line- خط الي لانتاج اللافاش
lavash bread is a kind of soft and flat bread that can be easily folded and which is available in several models. This line achieves a production capacity of 1,000 to 10,000 loaves per hour at a diame …
Tandoori Bread automatic line-خط الي لانتاج خبز التندوري
B PLUS has lanched different models of  tandoori bread  automatic line . This line achieves a production capacity of 1,000 to 10,000loaves per hour at a diameter of 15-38 cm, and requires an area of 1 …
Pita Bread automatic line(Miniline)- خط الي لانتاج الخبز العربي
B PLUS has created its own distinct version of the miniLine, a front-runner that saves space and which works best for budget-friendly projects such as portable containers,supermarkets, large restauran …
Chapatti Bread automatic line - خط الي لانتاج خبز الشباتي
B Plus achieved a progress in adopting the mechanization of chapatti bread production to become a fully automated line. This line for Chapatti bread available in different models with production capac …
Stacking Bread automatic machine- ماكينة الية لتستييف الخبز
B PLUS introduced an  automatic stacker machine with capacity to uphold 1,2,3 or 4 rows, acting automatically to stack both flat and pita bread types. The fully automated piece of equipment is highly …
Pita Bread production Line(Compact)- خط الي لانتاج الخبز العربي
 B PLUS has developed a compact version of the Pita Bread line to save up on space, as it requires a small area on site for installation, with production capacities nearing 3,000 loaves / hr. This par …
Tortilla Bread Automatic Line-خط الي لانتاج خبز التورتيلا
B PLUS has designed a complete automated line for the production of tortilla bread. This type of bread is now popular due to the growing demand for it in restaurants serving sandwiches, rolls and more …
Tannour Bread automatic line - خط الي لانتاج خبز التورتيلا
B Plus takes a proactive stance and be a first mover in inventing a fully automatic production line for tannour Bread. Some of the characteristics of the Tannour: *production capacity of 2,000-2,500 l …
Pita Bread automatic line (industrial)- خط الي لانتاج الخبز العربي
B Plus offers several different models and designs  of automatic production lines that have the capacity to produce up to 12,000 loaves /hr with a diameter varying between 5 and 38 centimeters per loa …
11 Results


    B PLUS
    B Plus designs and manufactures a wide range of machinery within its scope of work, covering pita bread, tannour bread, tortilla bread, lavash bread, and chapatti bread, among others, in addition to p …
    1 Results


      1 Results


        Pita Bread production Line
        Pita Bread fully automatic production line.
        5 Results

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