Exhibitor Products

Ultralac® Prot 35

Biolac-MTS GmbH Hall: Shk Rashid Hall Stand: R-Q33
Ultralac® Prot 35
Ultralac® Prot 35
Ultralac® Prot 35
Ultralac® Prot 35 is a native whey protein concentrate (WPC) with approx. 33.5g protein/DM and approx. 29% higher biological value than milk protein. It is produced by ultrafiltration, concentration and spray-drying and is subject to  permanent quality control acc. to German and European legislation and customer requirements. The great water and fat binding ability, the high solubility up to 90% within a ph range from 2-10 as well as the very good absorption properties are functional properties which make this product ideal for applications like infant- and clinical nutrition, dairy products or for the standardisation of product texture or protein content. For special requirements with regards to heat stability or gelling ability this product is available as Ultralac® Prot 35 HV and/or Ultralac® Prot 35 HD. Depending on your application you might save foaming- and gelling agents.


  • Ingredients
  • Health & Nutrition
Saudi Food