Exhibitor Products

Spreadable Agar Agar - Wondergel 30, 50, 100, 200

Marine Hydrocolloids Hall: Hall 6 Stand: C6-32
Spreadable Agar Agar - Wondergel 30, 50, 100, 200
Spreadable Agar Agar - Wondergel 30, 50, 100, 200
Spreadable Agar Agar - Wondergel 30, 50, 100, 200
The key difference between Spreadable Agar Agar Wondergel and other Agar Agar products (powdered and strips) is its source. Agar Agar is extracted from Gracilaria and Gelidium seaweeds, while Wondergel is extracted from Gracilaria seaweed alone. Wondergel has a higher dissolution temperature as well- which makes it easy to dissolve in boiling water, which then sets to a gel form at room temperature. Because of it’s creamy and soft texture, it can be used to prepare mouth-watering delicacies like cake glaze, decorative piping gel, yoghurt, soft puddings, spreadable cheese, marmalades, jam, fillings, panna cotta, Mousse, etc.


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Saudi Food