The Mill
The patented impact-cutting mill is unique tothe TREFFLER Millomat. The mill charge is brokenup in the clearance between the rotatingmilling discs and the impact plate in fractionsof a second.
The sieve inserts are used to determine the finenessof the flour. Sieves with holes of 0.50 mm,0.75 mm, 1.00 mm, 2.00 mm, 3.00 mm, 4.00 mm,and 5.00 mm make it possible to mill the finestflour as well as coarse meal.
The feed mechanism
he mill charge is fed in by means of a frequency-controlledvolumetric metering system, producingthe necessary buffer of flour in the mill.This guarantees consistent flour quality with ahigh proportion of fine flour at all times.
Pneumatic transport
The flour is gently drawn off out of the millchamber by a vacuum, directly through the sieve,and transported onward. This also reducesfriction. The result is that heat input to the millcharge is very slight.
Low heat input
The vacuum system ensures that the mill chargeis subjected to only the least amount of frictionnecessary to turn it into flour. The mill chargeis heated only minimally, so that important nutrients in the grain are retained in the flour.
Absolute cleanliness
The transport air is cleaned automatically everysecond and the fine flour dust is removed.
Energy-efficient performance
With its intuitive control system, the Millomatcan be operated right from the start, with nospecialized bakery knowledge required.
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