gallon filling line

King Machine 5 gallon water production line consists of empty botle transferring, internal botle brushing, auto de-capper, external bottle brushing
insing fling capping, ight checker, nek shrinker, bapting, ful botte transering and paltzer, enabling ful automatic inteligent production. The whole proces is sticty controled
which ensures the comolete comolance wit customers loca standard and eulations et up by their Heath Department During fling rocess,serondary polutionis stricty
ontro ed.which makes t an utra-cean oroducton ine, ts a most idea, acknowedeed and relable automati galon water production line for companies and factories.This ime s
mainly used for filling pure water or mineral water of 3 & 5 gallon bottle.
- Packaging Equipment, Containers & Supplies
- Filling & Sealing