Galileo Plansifter

This machine consists of:• An electro-welded sheet metal central supporting framework fitted witha control shaft and a counterweight supported by oscillating double-rowcylindrical roller bearings;• Two electro-welded sheet metal frame cabins screwed to the centralframework with aluminium uprights. Insulated perimeter walls to preventcondensation in the stainless steel cabins.• Air-tight, insulated stainless steel doors locked to the sieve sections.• Aluminium and stainless steel frames and frame holders with loosecomponents for cleaning sieve meshes.• Drive unit with asynchronous motors and belt drive or direct torque onrotation shaft for the PLS or PLGS rangeThe machine is fitted with:• Fibreglass suspended rods;•Fabric hoses for product inlet and outlet;• Inlet and outlet boards;• Stainless steel or plastic gaskets based on the diagram;• Loose components for cleaning gaskets and product expellers.
- Processing
- General Processing Technology