Exhibitor Products

Cocoaless™ - Cocoa Butter Equivalents made from Shea, Sal, Mango & Kokum

KIYAN Hall: Hall 7 Stand: 744
Cocoaless™ - Cocoa Butter Equivalents made from Shea, Sal, Mango & Kokum
Cocoaless™ - Cocoa Butter Equivalents made from Shea, Sal, Mango & Kokum
Cocoaless™ - Cocoa Butter Equivalents made from Shea, Sal, Mango & Kokum
COST SAVINGSCBEs are much cheaper then cocoa butter, and mitigate the high cost and price fluctuation risks due the supply & demand of cocoa beans.ENHANCED FAT STABILITYCan be made to enhance the uniformity & stability of fat crystals, leading to improved performance & longer shelf life of chocolate & confectionery.SEAMLESS BLENDING WITH COCOA BUTTERFormulated to mimic cocoa butter’s properties, both fats can be tempered to blend seamlessly together and maintain consistency of chocolate.SAME MELTING PROFILE AS COCOA BUTTERCocoa butter has a unique melting profile between 34-38°. Melting behavior of CBE is modified to match the melt profile of cocoa butter.SMOOTH TEXTURE & RICH MOUTHFEELDifferent fat blends can be designed to mimic cocoa butter’s creaminess & mouthfeel to match or improve the texture & sensory experience.HIGH GLOSS & SNAPFat content of a CBE can be balanced to achieve a glossy finish and a crisp snap in chocolates.REDUCED FAT BLOOMCBEs can replicate or improve fat crystallization behavior of CB & are less likely to experience fat bloom, improving visual appeal & texture.MADE FROM SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIALSCBEs made with Shea, Sal & Kokum reduce dependency on cocoa given it’s price volatility, social & environmental issues impacting cocoa farming.LABEL FRIENDLYCBE will perform, and be perfectly compatible with CB even If blended in specific quantities to comply with labelling norms of each country.


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Saudi Food