Exhibitor Products

Centris 315

FAM-Stumabo Hall: Za'abeel Hall 1 Stand: Z1-C23
Centris 315
Centris 315
Centris 315
The Centris™ 315 uniformly slices and shredsa wide variety of vegetables and fruits at highprocessing output.It offers food processors precision cutting alongwith substantial savings in production time andproduct waste. Its precise and clean-cut qualityleads to a longer product shelf life.This versatile machine accepts products up to100 mm (3 5/16”) in any dimension and can besupplied with a full range of interchangeablecutting heads. The patented 12-station cuttinghead processes products very fast and withhigh accuracy.The machine can be fed manually or via aninfeed conveyor for a more even feed.


  • Processing
  • General Processing Technology
Saudi Food