BIOPAPĀ® MAP compostable tray
BIOPAPĀ® MAP is new family of cellulose-based food trays for modified atmosphere packaging. This is a world innovation: the first paper-based container, disposable with food residues in the composting cycle or recyclable in the paper chain if not contaminated by food, designed to withstand extreme temperatures fromĀ -80Ā°CĀ without becoming brittle and up toĀ +145Ā°CĀ without losing its mechanical characteristics. It is ideal for packaging food preparations that can then be easily heated in microwave or conventional ovens. BIOPAP MAP is suitable for contact with all types of foodstuffs without limitations for acidic, moderately alcoholic or high dairy foods. Perfectly heat-sealable with innovative cellulosic-based compostable barrier films, BIOPAPĀ® MAP food trays offer shelf-lives superior to many single-material plastic containers and similar shelf-lives to multilayer plastic containers that prevent recyclability.The high barrier properties of BIOPAPĀ® MAP guarantee residual O2 concentrations after 30 days of less than 1% depending on the quality of the sealing processes and even with results below 0.5%. The BIOPAPĀ® MAP range also allows extreme combined preservation processes such as IQF and MAP that combine fast freezing at very low temperatures to keep food structures and organoleptic characteristics as intact as possible, and modified atmosphere that reduces oxidative processes and colour and aroma changes. We offer the food preparation industryproduct shelf life extensions thus reducing the risk of obsolescence and food waste combined with packaging made from renewable, non-agricultural and non-intensive raw materials.
Ideal applications: ready made meals, school, hospital, business caterind, cured and fresh proteins. We also integrate into BIOPAPĀ® MAP an end-of-life that is convenient for consumers and virtuous for the community by bringing renewable resources back into agriculture through the composting cycle, thus contributing to greater circularity and improved soil fertility.
- Packaging Equipment, Containers & Supplies
- Packaging