01 Oct 2024
Chocolate Moulds for your success
Brunner is one of the worldwide leading manufacturers of chocolate molds for all kind of businesses.
Artisanal confectioners and machine supported chocolatiers find a wide range of catalogue molds: All
kind of molds for hollow figurines, praline and bars, molds for transfer sheets and one-shot depositors.
Highest quality spinning molds for hollow figurines are one of Brunners specialties. They are
manufactured from PC sheets by the so called „Thermopressing process“.
The latest development is an extreme small spinning machine „MiniSpin“. It works with special molds
that are based on single cavities and allow private designed spinning molds. The industry can use the
MiniSpin system to produce pre-serial samples for marketing studies. A wide range of hollow designs
are available and can be found at brunnershop.com.
For the industry Brunner develops and produces molds for all kind of molding lines. In the Germany
plant near Munich Brunner produces molds with a length of more than 1200 mm.
At the new established plant in Brazil near Porto Alegre, Brunner produces injected molds in the 600
mm range.
Even combinations of injected and Thermpressed molds can be made to achieve an outstanding leak
proofness for e.g. truffle ball production.
Brunner with its outstanding quality, reliability and technical competence is partner for all customers
from artisanal confectioners to high demanding multinational industrial chocolatiers.