Exhibitor Brands


Hosokawa Micron B.V. Hall: Shk Saeed Hall 1 Stand: S1-G9
Nauta conical mixing equipment. The Nauta conical screw mixer is a batch mixer, specially designed for segregative, free-flowing powders and pastes. It is famous for its low-intensity mixing. It is particularly suitable for mixing delicate products and processes that require very precise results. Nauta mixers are available in volumes ranging from 5 to 100,000 litres. The Nauta mixer is a pioneer in mixing technology, named after Mr. J.E. Nauta, who developed the first conical Nauta mixer in 1939. His company 'Nautamix' was acquired by Hosokawa Micron in 1982.


  • Processing
  • General Processing Technology
Saudi Food