MasterMix bv

Mastermix specialises in coating
solutions (breaders, batters, tempuras
and clear coats) and develops products
for the meat, fish and poultry processing
industry, the potato industry and the
vegetarian segment. Almost all the
products are tailor-made. Apart from
these coating solutions, Mastermix
also supplies breadcrumb mixes and
taste products (spice blends, rubs and
sauces) and functional blends. Thanks
to MasterMix’s wealth of in-house
expertise, the company is able to work
closely with its customers and play an
active role in helping them to develop
the desired finished products.
Coating Solutions
• Breadcrumb mixes
• Breaders
• Batters
• Tempura’s
• Clearcoats (fries)
• Predust and Postcook
• Spice blends
• Rubs
• Dry marinades
• Sauces
Functional Blends
• Binding
• Binding & taste
• Yield improvement
- Ingredients
- Additives